Safe Home Remedies To Treat Sore Throat for You and Your Family

Published on 21 July 2022 at 14:56

Almost everyone suffers from a sore throat from time to time. Let alone your children, any parents can feel the pain and discomfort whenever these kids whine or cry about their sore throat. Usually, the discomfort and trouble with swallowing or speaking will clear up on their own, but there are steps you can take to prevent sore throats and recover faster especially when it comes to children.


Basic Facts About Sore Throats


  1. Recognize the most common cause. Most sore throats are caused by viral infections like the common cold or flu. They’ll usually go away within a week even without any treatment.

  2. Get familiar with more unusual factors. Many other conditions can also affect your throat. If it’s a bacterial infection like strep, you probably will need to take antibiotics. Your doctor may also want to check you for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), allergies and other ailments.

  3. Know when to see a doctor. It’s a good idea to make an appointment if your symptoms are severe or last more than a week. A physical exam and throat swab will help to identify what kind of treatment you need, especially if you have a fever, rash or difficulty with breathing.

Preventing and Treating Sore Throats


  1. Stay hydrated. Beverages and foods with a high liquid content will help thin out mucus. Enjoy hot tea and soup in the winter or suck on a popsicle if it’s hot outside.

  2. Gargle with salt water. Frequent gargling is an effective way to soothe your throat. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around your mouth at least once an hour.


  1. Drink Some Honey. Honey itself got antibacterial properties which can help relieve the pain you or your child is having from a sore throat. Honey can be mixed with warm water or tea and have them as a drink. Do take note that do not give honey to children below 1 year old. Consult your pediatrician before giving honey to younger children.
  1. Using Throat Spray. There are many types of throat sprays to ease the pain of sore throat that can be bought over the counter. Throat spray can help numb the pain and relief the scratchy and itchy throat that is making you or your children discomfort. Take note of children having their kind of throat spray. Consult your pediatrician before giving honey to younger children.


  1. Use lozenges. Cough drops and over-the-counter lozenges that numb the throat often provide fast pain relief and suppress coughing so you can heal faster. Read the labels for directions and let them dissolve slowly in your mouth. Some lozenges were specifically made just for children wherein they may come in a nice taste that children would take as lollipops.

  2. Breathe through your nose. If you usually breathe through your mouth, try to break the habit. Close your lips and focus on taking full breaths from your abdomen. Your nasal passages are designed to filter out pollutants and warm and humidify the air you take in.

  3. Avoid tobacco and other irritants. Cigarettes and other tobacco products can irritate your mouth and throat. If you want to quit, talk with your doctor about the best method for you. Spicy foods and dust can also be triggers. Limit your time outdoors on days when you hear the air quality is code orange, red or purple.

  4. Surround yourself with moist air. Buy a humidifier or mist the air in your house using the evaporation from a shallow pan of water. Whatever device you use, clean it regularly to keep mold and bacteria from building up.

  5. Speak gently. Yelling or talking for a long time can put a strain on your throat and leave you feeling hoarse. Protect your vocal health by pausing often and breathing naturally. Rest your voice as much as possible. Consider speech training if you keep getting laryngitis over and over.

  6. Wash your hands. Frequent and thorough hand washing is one of the most effective ways to avoid catching a cold and the accompanying sore throat. Rub your hands with soap and warm water for about 30 seconds and rinse. Use hand sanitizers when no sink is available.

  7. Keep your immune system strong. A healthy immune system is also a great defense against any kind of infection. Get plenty of rest, exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet. Learn to manage daily stress with techniques like meditation or listening to instrumental music.

An occasional sore throat is usually just a minor symptom that comes along with the common cold. Keep your throat moist and avoid irritants to minimize the discomfort and see your doctor if it lasts longer than a week.

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